
Get to know some of our services

All companies on Intility have access to an ecosystem of pre-integrated platform services.


InCloud is a fully managed sovereign cloud platform for server and container-based workloads. All workloads on InCloud are pre-configured for stability, performance and security. InCloud is protected by 24/7 SOC and an enterprise-grade security- and compliance platform. Incloud is fully integrated with the IT-environments of all companies on Intility. The platform is also developed to provide cost predictability and 24/7 monitoring and incident management.

Managed Azure

With Intility Managed Azure, businesses can securely use new Azure technologies such as OpenAI, Logic Apps, or Azure Kubernetes Service without the need for large infrastructure resources. This service includes monitoring, hardening, configuration, and documentation written as infrastructure code (IaC). The services are integrated with Intility’s security platform and 24/7 operations center.

Property Infrastructure

Intility Property Infrastructure is a complete network and security solution for commercial buildings. The solution caters to all types of network requirements within technical building networks and operational systems, tenant production networks, network integrations, and public networks for guests in the building.

Intility Container Platform

With Intility Container Platform, businesses can save time and focus on building and developing their own software. This service is a fully configured and fully managed developer infrastructure that includes all the functionality that businesses need to develop secure, modern applications. Intility Container Platform includes the management of underlying infrastructure, support, incident management, vulnerability mitigation, and automatic documentation, as well as close collaboration with certified Kubernetes experts.

Intility SIM

Intility SIM is a mobile subscription service that provides businesses with a simpler and more secure mobile experience. It’s simpler because it reduces the time spent on the administration of data packages, setting up new subscriptions and salary deductions. It’s more secure because all mobile traffic is protected by the company’s network and security service on Intility. The service provides a single point of contact for IT and mobile, and includes 24/7 support, an app for control and insight, as well as the possibility of integration with Microsoft Teams and switchboard solutions.

Managed Meeting Rooms

Intility Managed Meeting Rooms is an end-to-end solution for stable and user-friendly meeting experiences. The local infrastructure in the rooms is fully integrated with the central IT platform, which provides 24/7 monitoring and support. The rooms are kept up-to-date and functional through central administration and troubleshooting. All meeting rooms are thoroughly documented and available in the company’s Workplace Center for control and overview of their own meeting rooms.


Incloud er en fully managed sovereign skyplattform for server- og kontainerbaserte arbeidslaster. InCloud er beskyttet av en enterprise grade sikkerhets- og compliance-plattform og er ferdig integrert med IT-miljøene til alle virksomheter på Intility.

Plattformen er utviklet med spesielt fokus på konfigurasjon, forutsigbare kostnader, 24/7 overvåkning og hendelseshåndtering.

Managed Azure

Med Intility Managed Azure kan virksomheter på en sikker måte benytte ny teknologi i Azure som OpenAI, Logic Apps eller Azure Kubernetes Service, uten å måtte bruke store ressurser på infrastruktur.

Intility Managed Azure inkluderer overvåkning, herding, konfigurasjon og dokumentasjon der alt er skrevet som infrastrukturkode (IaC). Tjenestene er integrert mot Intilitys sikkerhetsplattform og 24/7 operasjonssentral.

Property Infrastructure

Intility Property Infrastructure er komplett nettverks- og sikkerhetsløsning for næringsbygg.

Løsningen ivaretar alle typer nettverksbehov innenfor bygningstekniske nett- og driftsanlegg, produksjonsnett for leietakere, nettverksintegrasjoner og offentlige nettverk for gjester i bygget.

Intility Container Platform

Med Intility Container Platform får virksomheten mer tid til å bygge og videreutvikle egen programvare. Tjenesten er en ferdig konfigurert og fully managed (utvikler)infrastruktur som inneholder all funksjonalitet virksomheten trenger for å utvikle sikre, moderne applikasjoner.

Intility Container Platform inkluderer drift av underliggende infrastruktur, support, hendelseshåndtering, sårbarhetsmitigering og automatisk dokumentasjon, i tillegg til tett samarbeid med sertifiserte Kubernetes-eksperter.

Intility SIM

Intility tilbyr et bredt utvalg av mobil-, data- og IoT-abonnementer som gjør det mulig for selskaper å få alle mobile enheter, samt mobilkommunikasjonen i seg selv, som en integrert og fully managed del av Intilitys ende-til-ende plattform.

Managed Meeting Rooms

Intility Managed Meeting Rooms er en ende-til-ende-løsning for stabile og brukervennlige møteopplevelser. Den lokale infrastrukturen i rommene er fullt ut integrert med den sentral IT-plattformen, som gir 24/7 overvåkning og support. Rommene holdes oppdaterte og velfungerende gjennom sentral administrasjon og feilsøking. Alle møterom er grundig dokumentert, og er tilgjengelig i selskapers Workplace Center for kontroll og oversikt over egne møterom.

Take a look at some of our reference customers

As a customer of Intility, you can choose from a range of additional services that are delivered fully integrated with your company’s IT environment.

Construction City — Norway's largest office building

Construction City runs on Intility Property Infrastructure, a comprehensive network and security platform for all digital services in the building.
Property infrastructure

Space Norway — Leading environment in Norwegian Space Industry

Space Norway is using the Intility Container Platform, a fully managed sovereign platform for container-based workloads.

Intility Container Platform

Property Infrastructure

Construction City — Norway's largest office building

Construction City runs on Intility Property Infrastructure, a comprehensive network and security platform for all digital services in the building.

Intility Container Platform

Space Norway — Leading environment in Norwegian Space Industry

Space Norway is using the Intility Container Platform, a fully managed sovereign platform for container-based workloads.