Intility is subject to comprehensive audits and security assessments. PwC continuously review and test all formalized information and privacy controls, and the test results are summarized in reports that are issued periodically.
Intility’s compliance reporting is now expanded to include an ISAE 3000 Type II attestation, that is available to all companies on Intility. In this new report, the controls and activities related to Intility’s duties as a data processor under the GDPR are audited.
The ISAE 3000 Type II is a privacy oriented addition to Intility’s ISAE 3402 Type II report, which provides detailed audit testing of Intility’s policies, procedures, measures and controls for ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of customer data. The audit controls are designed using best practices from the Cloud Security Alliance.
Intility’s compliance reports provide audit support for all companies and their auditors. The reports follow internationally recognized audit standards that are designed to cover regulatory requirements such as the GDPR, statutory financial audits and the Sarbanes Oxley Act.
Intility’s customers can download the audit reports using our Security Center.