Starting 1. December 2015 Intility is upgraded with Cloud Connect from Kvantel, thus enabling direct access between the Intility Platform and Public Cloud datacenters. First release includes «Cloud Connect – ExpressRoute», which will provide all Intility customers secure, stabile and high speed access to services in the Microsoft Cloud. Intility will throughout 2016 offer direct access to more Public Cloud services, such Amazon Web Services, Softlayer and Salesforce.
The availability of ExpressRoute provides companies on the Intility Platform dedicated, secure network capacity to both Microsoft Azure and Office 365. The service includes monitoring and incident handling of network connections 24/7/365. ExpressRoute provides enhanced security features and improves the performance of the applications running in Azure or Office 365, as opposed to normal network connections over the Internet.
Cloud Connect is one of many integrations currently under establishment between Intility and a growing number of Public Cloud services. In addition to integrations on the network level, the Intility Platform also offers integrations with Cloud services based on single sign-on, automated license and user administration, access control and security. Consequently, access to the Cloud and realizing its benefits has never been easier, while at the same time keeping these services as an integrated part of a company’s complete IT environment.
By integrating Cloud Connect with Intility all customers will get new and upgraded functionality as an included part of the solution.