Virke, the Enterprise Federation of Norway, signs agreement with Intility. The agreement involves that Virke will utilize Intility’s IT platform service for their IT environment. The contract is valued at more than 10 million NOK over three years.
By choosing Intility, Virke gets access to a complete Workplace-as-a-Service and a cloud-based IT platform for mission-critical systems. Intility is also a platform service that supports Virke’s efforts to digitize core business.
Intility is continuously upgraded with new functionality and includes a growing number of integrated cloud services like Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics 365.
– After a thorough process, our overall assessment was that Intility best coincides with our requirements for a future-oriented, efficient and comprehensive solution for our IT environment. We look forward to cooperate with Intility to ensure effective IT for all our employees, as well as to further develop the use of digital solutions in our own business, says Per Hamann, director at Virke.
– We are pleased that Virke has chosen Intility. We look forward to contribute to an efficient IT workday and the best conditions for digitizing own core business, says Andreas Hisdal, CEO at Intility.
Intility is already utilized by several companies within the organization market, including Tekna – The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals, The Employers’ Association Spekter, The Finance Sector Union of Norway, The Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers (FO), the Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations (Akademikerne) and Econa.
About Virke:
Virke is the largest enterprise federation for Norwegian trade and service industries and represents over 20, 500 businesses. Virke works for better framework conditions for their members, and a Norway that values and support those who run businesses. Virke believes that businesses best succeed when value is created in the interaction between employer and employee. Virke’s members come from a wide range of industries, such as trade, knowledge, technology, tourism, service, health care, education, culture and voluntary work. Together they constitute more than 225 000 jobs.
For more information, please contact:
Virke: Director, Per Hamann, tel: 9015 69 68
Intility: CEO., Andreas Hisdal, tel: 907 28 112