Oops, that link was not safe!

Fortunately, this was just a simulated exercise carried out by your company. We know how difficult it can be to detect fraud and phishing emails. Use the Mailrisk button in Outlook to analyze the email and get help from Intility’s incident responders by pressing “Ask for feedback”.

If you are in doubt,
use the MailRisk button!

Identify phishing

Phishing exercises can provide employees with firsthand experience of what phishing attacks look like, equipping them better to identify and fend off real attacks.

Incident example

Watch a recording of a walkthrough where we demonstrate an example of an incident involving a compromised account and how the Security Operations Center proceeds to detect and stop attacks.

Only in Norwegian

Identify phishing

Phishing exercises can provide employees with firsthand experience of what phishing attacks look like, equipping them better to identify and fend off real attacks.

Incident example

Watch a recording of a walkthrough where we demonstrate an example of an incident involving a compromised account and how the Security Operations Center proceeds to detect and stop attacks.

Only in Norwegian